East Baton Rouge Parish Library

Tiny habits, the small changes that change everything, BJ Fogg, PhD

Tiny habits, the small changes that change everything, BJ Fogg, PhD
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Literary Form
non fiction
Main title
Tiny habits
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Responsibility statement
BJ Fogg, PhD
Sub title
the small changes that change everything
"The world's leading expert on habit formation shows how you can have a happier, healthier life: by starting small"--, Provided by publisher
Table Of Contents
Front Cover; Front Matter; Half Title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Dedication; Introduction: Change Can Be Easy (and Fun); Behavior Design; The Anatomy of Tiny Habits; Tiny Exercises to Start Practicing Tiny Habits; Chapter 1: The Elements of Behavior; Teaching the Behavior Model; Using the Behavior Model to Disrupt a Habit; One Model to Understand All Behavior; Three Steps for Troubleshooting a Behavior; See the World through the Behavior Model Lens; Tiny Exercises to Practice the Fogg Behavior Model; Chapter 2: Motivation -- Focus on Matching; Motivation Is Unreliable; Outsmarting MotivationIntuitive Guessing vs. Skillful MatchingFocus Mapping; Finding Your Golden Behaviors Easily; Tiny Exercises to Practice Behavior Design; Chapter 3: Ability -- Easy Does It; Using Ability to Create Habits; The Three Approaches to Making a Behavior Easier to Do; Designing Your Tiny Habits; Where Do I Start? Skills, Tools, or Tiny?; Keep the Habit Alive; The Winning Pattern: Simplicity Changes Behavior; Tiny Exercises for Making a Habit Easier to Do; Chapter 4: Prompts -- The Power of After; A Systematic Approach to Prompts; The Recipe for Tiny Habits; Identify Your AnchorsExperimentation Is GoodRefine Your Anchor with the Trailing Edge; Power Move: Start with Anchors; Meanwhile Habits; The Best Prompts for Your Customers; Pearl Habits -- Creating Beauty from Irritations; Tiny Exercises to Find Prompts for Your New Habits; Chapter 5: Emotions Create Habits; Positive Experiences Reinforce Habits; Emotions Create Habits; Why Celebration Works Best to Build Habits; Fogg Maxim #2; How to Celebrate the Tiny Habits Way; Celebration in Different Contexts; A Fast Way to Feel Successful; One Surprising Solution to Two Habit Problems; Three Times to CelebrateKeep the Habit Roots StrongCelebrating without a Recipe; Celebration Is the Bridge from Tiny Habits to Big Changes; Tiny Exercises to Feel Shine; Chapter 6: Growing Your Habits from Tiny to Transformative; Grow and Multiply; The Dynamics of Growth; The Skills of Change; Adding Habits Naturally; Don't Just Read This Book -- Practice the Skills of Change; Skills of Change; Chapter 7: Untangling Bad Habits: A Systematic Solution; The Behavior Change Masterplan; Focus on the Prompt to Stop a Habit; Redesign Ability in Order to Stop a Habit; Adjust Motivation in Order to Stop a HabitScaling Back the ChangeIf Nothing So Far Has Worked . . .; This Process Is a Skill; The Beauty of Disruption; Tiny Exercises to Practice Stopping and Swapping; Chapter 8: How We Change Together; Designing for Group Change; The Ethics of Changing Others; How to Change Together; Design Process for Group Change; Family Change: Succeeding with a Learning Disability; Workplace Challenge: Reducing Stress in the Hospital; The Bigger Picture; Tiny Exercises to Enhance a Group's Skills of Change; Conclusion: The Small Changes That Change Everything; Back Matter; Acknowledgments; Appendixes
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